
A (very) brief history

Stetchworth is mentioned in the Domesday Book and has existed since at least 1050. In those days it was known as Stunicesworde or Sti(ui)cesuuorde. The name means either Stub's Worth (meaning homestead) or, rather more imaginatively, 'an enclosed homestead near a tree stump'. The Domesday Book entry details ownership by Hardwin of Scales, the Abbot of Ely, and Count Alan, before stating intriguingly that the village was 'once a town'. Until recently the village has been purely agricultural, with many residents working in the racing industry at one of the three stud farms. It has long been a seat of the Earl of Ellesmere (hence the name of the community and sports centre).

Stetchworth Community Archive is a collection of images, documents and memoirs of Stetchworth and these can be viewed at: www.stetchwortharchives.co.uk